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Business & Computer Science

“Awarded in 2005, 2011, and 2018 as the New York State Business and Marketing Department of the Year”

Chairperson: Mr. Joseph Virgilio,, 516-792-4028

G. W. Hewlett High School Business and Computer Science Department’s innovative course development provides a wide variety of opportunities for students. Students can take courses in Marketing, Finance, Computer Science and Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Legal areas of business. Students can extend their core academic high school curriculum with course options that will help them meet the Hewlett-Woodmere student outcomes of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity and gain valuable 21st Century skills. There are opportunities to gain college credits, explore areas of interest, develop skills, apply core academic skills to real-world problems, and/or satisfy Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies requirements for graduation.

We offer many courses in alignment with Syracuse University’s SUPA program, LIU/CW Post, and SUNY Farmingdale.  These courses include International Business Economics, Money and Investments, Marketing, Accounting, Business Law, Game Design, and Artificial Intelligence.  Students are eligible to take our Virtual Enterprise course that offers 6 college-level credits in management and economics.

There are several opportunities for students to meet the requirements of Financial Literacy, which is an important life skill.  Students can take courses in Introduction to Accounting, Money and Investments, Career and Financial Management, and Financial Math.  Coursework includes budgeting, banking, investing, credit, loans, retirement, and insurance.  

The STEM offerings in computer technology are extensive. We provide opportunities for students to gain valuable general computer technology skills, knowledge of logic, computer programming, and networking.  Students can take college-level credit courses in AP Computer Science and AP Computer Science Principles.

We currently offer a New York State Career and Technical endorsed program in Small Business Administration through College Virtual Enterprise. Students who successfully complete this program earn this extra endorsement on their HS diplomas. This credential allows them to strengthen their skills and their professional resume.

Coursework includes many hands-on activities and interactive experiences, guest speakers and mentors, as well as field trips and competitions. All students in grades 9 through 12 can benefit from our expansive Business Education program.